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The return of maximalism in modern house projects. New living room ideas with porcelain stoneware tiles and large slabs

Captivating colour combinations and decorations for emotional spaces.

Modern house interior

Revisiting the most acclaimed styles of the past in a contemporary key is an increasingly customary practice, even in today's home interior design. 

Modern Maximalism, a renewed expression of the maximalism of the 1970s and 1980s is an example, since it is becoming increasingly popular in modern home design: colour combinations, bold patterns and decorations make up the furniture in a surprisingly balanced Mix&Match. Here tiles and large porcelain stoneware slabs are the true disclosure.

Why does maximalism get into the interior design of modern homes 

After the still current era of the minimalist style, the new maximalism arrives as an approach featured by its boldness and penchant for decorative details

In line with the vibrancy of the colour of the year 2023 and with the increasing trend towards prominent elements reminiscent of the outdoors (the so-called indoor garden), the maximalism of our times normalises the unexpected, with unique solutions creating more harmonious and inspiring environments

In this sense, the secret is juxtaposition, namely combining shapes, shades, effects, patterns and textures in a structured and complementary manner, creating a Mix&Match that defines the furnishing style

And so, vibrant surfaces with jewel-like characteristics can be juxtaposed with geometric patterns or organic tones reminiscent of the earth, perfectly symmetric and reflecting contemporary taste.

Modern house interior

Suggestions to implement maximalism with porcelain stoneware tiles and large slabs

How is maximalism incorporated into today's home interior design, thanks to porcelain stoneware tiles and large slabs?

If the use of ceramic surfaces in interior design was mainly linked to reasons of hygiene and durability over the years much has changed and the versatility of colours, textures and sizes has been added to these characteristics. 

Indeed, the materials currently on the market make it possible to create unique and customised compositions, with excellent value for money and very little effort to preserve their original beauty

To furnish a modern home in the style of the new maximalism, suggestions include: 

Modern house interior

The secret is not to be afraid to experiment. Different shades, shapes, patterns and textural sensations can be mixed, giving free rein to creativity and designing spaces that exude personality and uniqueness.

Examples of living room interior design that embrace the originality of maximalism 

To fully embrace maximalism in modern home projects, here are three examples of living room interior design that follow this trend, embracing the originality and liveliness featuring this style. 

We start with an inspiration from metropolitan atmospheres, where accentuated expressiveness becomes eye-catching appeal, thanks to bold colours, metal details and characterful patterns

In this picture, Mix&Match combines the tones of the large Arkistyle Shade Cold porcelain stoneware slabs with the limestone effect with fossil inclusions pattern of Arkistyle Fossil and the metallic effect of the Corten Bruciato Miniature Fuoco wall bricks.

Modern house interior
Modern house interior

The second example is dedicated to an approach that combines maximalism with luxury and sophistication through precious details, glossy surfaces and refined geometries.

And so the shining magma black of the Miniature Soda bricks envelops and illuminates the wall of this living room, matching the dark floor with "rust" effect shades of Arkiquartz Graphite and the knots, veins and colours of Elisir Royal Castano.

The geometric pattern of Multiforme Cuneo mic/car Tessere closes this design: a detail that does not go unnoticed and helps to further enhance the uniqueness of this room.

And lastly, for a timeless style always inspired by maximalism, living room interior design becomes a combination of elegance and originality that once again draws inspiration from the past to create new cosy dimensions.

An idea that takes shape through various optical effects and lively architectural choices, which include patterns, bright colours and different textures complementary to each other, creating a harmonious and distinctive look for itself.

This layout expresses the skilful combination of the pastel-coloured flowery patterns of Mirabilia Floral Bay to the charm of the wood effect laid with chevron layout for Elisir Royal and the cement effect with the warm tones of Multiforme Dune Marsala floor tiles and of the large size porcelain stoneware slabs of Multiforme Dune Caolino wall tiles.

Modern house interior

How to find the right porcelain stoneware tiles and large slabs for your modern home projects?

If you are looking for porcelain stoneware tiles and large slabs for your modern home projects, you will know that it is not always easy making the unique and customised environments you had envisaged a reality. 

Often the right surface seems to be beyond reach or does not exactly correspond to your idea of style. 

To help you at this stage, there is the free Mix&Match guide: a versatile and useful digital tool to find the right look and suggestions for your modern interior. 

It includes endless inspirations of colours, textures, patterns and shapes, to design your optimal match with Marca Corona porcelain stoneware tiles and large slabs. 

Browse through the guide and discover installation patterns, decorative hints, implementation ideas and much more!

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