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Sustainable growth

Marca Corona has always believed in the possibility of doing business in a way that respects ethical, personal and environmental values.


A company in the vanguard has to think Green and act responsibly to minimize its environmental impact, making sustainable products and helping the consumer make informed purchasing choices.



To boost the sustainability of its products, Marca Corona invests daily in new, cutting-edge technologies and pays the closest possible attention to recycling and saving energy.

Saving energy and recycling for responsible growth



of fired and unfired ceramic rejects recovered

Raw waste is recovered to prepare new tile bodies, thus guaranteeing a 20,000 tonnes reduction in the consumption of raw materials per year (630 truckloads). Fired ceramic is delivered to third companies for road foundations


recyclable packages

Marca Corona applies separate waste collection to 98% of its waste, and uses exclusively recycled packaging, pallets compliant with the FAO ISPM 15 standards and FSC certified paper.


of waste water recovered in-house

Marca Corona recovers 100% of its waste water, and uses 85% recycled water, amounting to over 75 mln litres a year.


energy self-sufficiency

The cogeneration system installed in the factory allows Marca Corona to produce 92% of the energy it needs per year, thus also reducing CO2 emissions.


To cut consumption of energy resources, the thermal energy recovered from the firing kilns is re-used for new production cycles and to heat work areas. Marca Corona also undertakes to select raw materials from the quarries nearest the factories, in order to reduce the environmental impact and emissions caused by transport.

*All data refer to 2017


In 2020, Marca Corona was also one of the first companies in Italy to introduce packaging made of grass-based paper, an environmentally friendly, recyclable and biodegradable material deriving from natural grass. Grass is readily available in nature, has a short supply chain because it is harvested in ecological compensation areas close to the paper mills, and is processed with reduced environmental impact.





Environmental sustainability. Our mission

Committed to sustainability and the optimisation of its business processes for many years, Marca Corona has now adhered to the new UNI EN ISO 17889-1 certification that qualifies tiles in terms of sustainability.

Developed following a full life cycle analysis approach, it takes into account environmental, economic and social aspects. The metrics used are in line with the highest international standards and meet the requirement 12 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda. 

The fully voluntary UNI EN ISO 14001 certification is also evidence of the company's commitment to implementing its own Environmental Management System, through a control tool to monitor and progressively reduce the environmental impact of its activities.

The creation of an Environmental Management System is an important step in the company’s voluntary commitment to responsibility, translating its Green Mission into concrete and tangible actions. Attentive to environmental issues, Marca Corona has decided to take on this new challenge, clearly and transparently defining its environmental values and objectives and undertaking to constantly monitor and improve its working practices.


Process certifications

UNI ISO 9001

ISO 9001 certification certifies the efficacy of the company’s Quality Control System.

ISO 45001

Respect for the environment goes hand in glove with nurturing the most important resource: human capital.

Owing to its attention to personal welfare, the quality of the working environment and the organization of social events, Marca Corona is registered to ISO 45001, the first international standard which assesses a company’s occupational health and safety management system. Possession of this certificate increases  the LEED V4 credits for the products manufactured in compliant field.

UNI EN ISO 17889-1

The UNI EN ISO 17889-1 certification qualifies tiles in terms of sustainability. Developed following a full life cycle analysis approach, it takes into account environmental, economic and social aspects.

Read the article

UNI EN ISO 14001

This completely voluntary certified process standard bears witness to the company’s commitment to implementing its Environmental Management System, a control tool for monitoring and progressively reducing the environmental impact of its activities. Based on the Deming Model “Plan_Do_Check_Act”,  standard ISO 14001 requires the identification of all activities and processes which may affect the environment, the definition of clear and measurable objectives and the reduction of their environmental effects, as well as the implementation of all investments and interventions required to achieve the pre-set levels.

Maximum attention to product excellence and processes

Marca Corona’s concrete commitment to the environment is also demonstrated by the many environment product declarations and certifications obtained in recent years.

The Green Public Procurement (GPP) regulations supplement the Minimum Environmental Criteria within Public Administration purchasing procedures, with the aim of developing sustainable public building projects. ISO 14021 certifications attests to the compliance of Marca Corona products with GPP parameters, and allow for their regular access to public tenders in Italy and Europe.

The LEED logo indicates the presence of recycled material inside a product and usually also indicates specifically the percentage of the components that are environmentally friendly.
Many Marca Corona products are made of recycled raw materials, so they can display this marking and contribute to obtaining  LEED V4 credits.

Marca Corona products are eligible for credits towards international certification WELL (Well Building Standard), the first international system that takes into account aspects related to the well-being of the occupants through improved interaction between humans and buildings, without neglecting the use of renewable resources, environmental sustainability and landscape protection.

This environmental product certification ensures that a material conforms to the strictest standards governing emissions inside buildings of volatile organic compounds (VOC).
GreenGuard started in the United States and is now recognized by many international sustainable building programmes.

The complete list of certified building materials and Marca Corona certified products is available on UL Environment Website

By adhering to the Declare self-declaration program, Marca Corona declares that its products are free of pollutants that are harmful to those who manufacture them and to end users. This transparency program is aligned with several international sustainability certification schemes including Living Building Challenge, Leed and Well.

Marca Corona products are issued with a PEF (Product Environmental Footprint). This document defines a product’s environmental footprint over its entire lifetime, from quarrying of the raw material to disposal, “from cradle to grave”.
This is measured by a joint analysis of different environmental impact parameters and enables further LEED V4 points to be obtained.

Marca Corona has adopted EPD (Environmental Product Declaration), the voluntary declaration that defines the environmental impact of manufacturing in terms of waste production, emissions into the atmosphere and groundwater, consumption of energy and raw materials.
This certificate is based on a product life cycle assessment and is issued by an independent body that enables LEED V4 credits to be obtained. Marca Corona has boasted the industry EPD, since 2016 issued by the ceramics companies that are members of Confindustria Ceramica, and has been awarded with the brand EPD, certifying the environmental safety and quality of Marca Corona products since 2017.

UPEC is the French technical quality mark. It is a product certification issued by the French CSTB institute to guarantee that a product is suitable for various intended purposes. Each environment has different types and degrees of stress and each type of cladding obtains different scores in terms of resistance to walking (U), mechanical stress (P), the presence of water (E) and chemical substances (C). The complete list of Marca Corona certified products is available on CSTB official website


The CCC (China Compulsory Certificate) is a certificate that must be obtained to sell many locally manufactured or imported products on the Chinese market.


Marca Corona is an ordinary member of the U.S. Green Building Council, an American organization that promotes the sustainable design, construction and management of buildings, setting building parameters that are recognized in over 50 countries worldwide. USGBC is particularly famous for developing in 1998 the LEED (Leadership In Energy and Environmental Design) certification system, which has now reached LEED V4, the most important method for assessing a building’s environmental sustainability. The total score of a building depends on how many LEED V4 credits it obtains in the various sustainability areas. The most important criteria for obtaining the points are the reduction of the “heat island” effect, the recycled material content of the products used, the level of emissions of volatile organic compounds and the environmental certification of the chosen building materials used.

For further information on the evaluation parameters  download the detailed table

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