Marca Corona and the Art of talking to the youth about Entrepreneurial Culture
Giuseppe Stampone's collaborative project, Global Education, becomes a workshop with schools in company premises
Marca Corona takes part in the 21st edition of the Italian Enterprise Culture Week, promoted by Confindustria, dedicating special attention to young people. The theme of the 2022 edition is "At School for Business" (A scuola d'impresa).

Taking the proposal of Confindustria literally, the Sassuolo-based company hosted two classes from Modena's Adolfo Venturi art high school, offering them the opportunity to enjoy a unique educational and artistic experience with artist Giuseppe Stampone.
The Global Education Labs that the young students started on 10 and 11 November 2022 ended on 17 November with the presentation of their own spelling book. The students were asked to choose the words that were most representative for them of the world and current events and to associate them with a picture drawn by them. The result will be 21 works created by each class that will enrich the catalogue of the exhibition nel Blu dipinto, which will then be available in Galleria Marca Corona.
Words such as Curiosity, Elegance, Inspiration, Quality, Hope, Tradition, Life were placed side by side with very topical terms such as Fragility, Help, Illusion, Karma, Nationality, Obsession, Fear, Regret, Mirroring, Xenophobia, demonstrating how the very young people have already developed a sensitivity and awareness of the difficulties society is facing.
The workshops stem from the path inaugurated with the exhibition by Giuseppe Stampone nel Blu Dipinto currently at the Galleria Marca Corona where, alongside some of the artist's historical works, the artist's Abbecedario d'artista (Spelling book) created together with Marca Corona employees is presented.

Giuseppe Stampone, apart from his extraordinary skill as a draughtsman, is in fact among the best known Italian artists for his continuous research and conception of projects developed for and with the community.
From his workshops in Marca Corona, 21 words have emerged that provide a visual snapshot of the values of the district's most historic company, represented by the masterfully conceived images created with the iconic - and sometimes ironic - "blu Stampone" Bic pen.
Juxtaposing Stampone's works, which tell the collective identity of Marca Corona, with the vocabulary and gaze of youths consolidates and strengthens the company's commitment to creating a link between yesterday - the Galleria - today - the artist's spelling books - and tomorrow - the new generations that will live the territory in the near future.

The spelling books made by the Venturi art school classes will also be included in the exhibition's official catalogue, giving the students a prominent stage and a first, highly-appreciated artistic publication for the future of these young artists.
This educational intent to foster the culture of education and transfer universal and identity values to young people is nothing new for Marca Corona. Since 2021, the company's Galleria has been part of the Museimpresa network, contributing to the dissemination of our country's entrepreneurial history with initiatives open to the community and close to new generations.
Already last year, the company participated in the "Nel tempo di una storia" (In the Time of a Story) project promoted by Assolombarda and Museimpresa, carried out with photographer Simone Bramante, aka Brahmino, which won first place in the educational/training event category at the BEA - Best Event Awards 2021.
Stampone's Global Education approach therefore finds a more fertile ground in Marca Corona. This proposal for schools demonstrates its vocation to provide new tools for understanding and managing the economic and social transformations to come, starting from the values of the past and the challenges of the present, creating a bond between culture and innovation.
nel Blu Dipinto is a project by R&P Contemporary Art for Marca Corona with the patronage of the Municipality of Sassuolo. The exhibition can be visited until 31 January 2023 from Monday to Friday (8:30 am-12:30 pm and 2:30-6:30 pm) at Galleria Marca Corona, Via Emilia-Romagna 7, Sassuolo, Modena